relish in quality

relish in quality

How to Stay Refreshed Throughout the Day and Still Have Time to Spend with Your Family at Night!

Read on if you're one of the "still" shockingly many people who have trouble sleeping. Tell me how often each week you find yourself in the situation when you can't decide whether to roll over and go back to sleep or get out of bed. On the other hand, you may find that you're unable to move your head or neck from side to side when you wake up, or that you have a numb leg or a headache. If you've had a bad day, there's no way you'll be able to enjoy some quality family time afterward.

We all know that getting enough sleep is essential to feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, but let's be honest: we tend to take it for granted. "But I'll sleep when I sleep; it's just sleeping." "I need and enjoy my sleep" should be everyone's new mantra. What a positive change that would bring. No matter how "gracefully" we mature, we all have a variety of health problems. Some of these may be minor, but they're nevertheless annoying enough to make you avoid doing things like playing catch with your younger brother or riding piggyback on your little princess. We seek out medical professionals and remedies for persistent issues that may have their roots in our own unique sleeping patterns much too often.

What can we learn about the relationship between sleep, health, and aging from the Sleep in America poll? “We reaffirm what we know from the epidemiology of aging that there is a very strong correlation between common medical conditions and a predisposition to sleep disturbances,” says Daniel Foley, an epidemiologist at the National Institute on Aging. Some people see their doctors for multiple ailments, and they may even be taking medication for each of them, yet they still don't feel better. A great deal of sleep disruption and daytime drowsiness could go unnoticed. A serious sleep disorder that is making therapy for the other disorders more difficult could go unnoticed.

"The poll results show we need to educate the public and healthcare professionals about the connection between sleep, health and aging."

Yes, it's true that some health problems can't be avoided, but if you're serious about your health, you should do all you can to be healthy and avoid those pesky old ailments. After a morning workout, a jog at lunch, a healthy diet all day, and a 3 o'clock crash on that broken "La-Z-Boy" with your cat as a pillow, what's the point? Oh! Here we go again with the headache, numb leg, and still neck cycle!

Some easy adjustments can go a long way toward improving the quality of your sleep. You've definitely seen these before, but now is the time to really start! You're going to try to improve your sleep patterns after pinning this article.

• Sleep is just as essential as oxygen and nourishment. There must be a balance between quantity and quality. An adult's recommended nightly sleep duration is 7.5 to 8.5 hours. No one is getting enough sleep if they hit the snooze button on their alarm every morning. Possible causes include not getting enough sleep, being too active during the day, or having a sleep condition.

Regular hours are important. Maintain a regular sleep schedule by aiming to retire at the same hour each night. The most critical thing is to rise at the same time every day. An additional aid is to face the light of day, such as the sun, first thing in the morning. Limit your bedtime to when you are really drowsy. If you wake up at the same bright light every morning at the same time, you should find that you're sleepy at around the same time every night.

• Avoid stimulants such as caffeine. You will be able to achieve restorative deep sleep with this. It is recommended to consume caffeine first thing in the morning. Do not consume any caffeinated beverages, chocolate, or caffeinated teas in the hours leading up to bedtime. They will keep you up all night long and prevent you from falling asleep.

• Have both sex and sleep on the bed. Do not use a laptop or watch television. If you read particularly stimulating content in bed with a bright light, it can be problematic. If reading before bed helps you relax, try using a low-wattage bulb. You should be good with a 15-watt bulb.

• Keep the house dark in the hours leading up to night. It may be beneficial to turn down the lights in the living room and the bathroom before you go to sleep. (For morning rituals, you can adjust the dimmer switches to their highest brightness setting.)

A lack of sleep is normal, so there's no need to worry about it. Things will only get worse from here. Rest assured, you will find sleep in due course.

Exercise before going to bed. Stay off your feet for at least three hours before turning in for the night.

• Make sure you eat something before you turn in for the night. Instead of eating a substantial meal right before bed, have a little snack.

Good sleep is facilitated by having a regular bedtime routine. Continue with your regular schedule for routines. An hour before turning in, try sipping a cup of herbal tea.

In the event that you awaken in the wee hours of the morning, refrain from checking the time. Anxiety may set in. Turn the clock so you have to turn it to see the time; most of us find this quite difficult. Perhaps you'll just opt to return to sleep instead of putting in the effort.

• If you're still wide awake after 30 minutes of trying to fall asleep, get out of bed and do something dull in a dark room until you're exhausted.

• Maintain a cozy temperature in your bedroom. Perfect temperature—just right. Preferably colder than hotter.

• A white noise generator can be useful if you're trying to block out background sounds. Use a timer to play gentle music or an old fan; either will do the trick.

• A "night cap" will cost you. While alcohol could help you fall asleep, it will keep you up all night long. Ignoring it is possible. (If you already suffer from sleep apnea, it will get worse because alcohol exacerbates the condition.) For some, drinking is the only thing that makes them snore, or it can amplify their snoring.

• If you share a bed with someone, inquire as to whether they hear snoring, see any leg movements, or notice any breathing pauses. Either you need to start paying more attention to how much sleep you actually need or you might be suffering from a sleep issue. Make an appointment with your doctor if you're worried.

• Investing in a high-quality mattress and pillow will go a long way toward eliminating those bothersome issues. Get to know the latest innovations in sleep systems and mattresses, which are engineered to accommodate various body types, sleeping positions, and pressure levels in order to keep your spine and back in proper alignment. Instead of thinking of coils and springs as a one-size-fits-all, think about the comfort and ease of air mattresses, adjustable beds, latex mattresses, and memory foam mattresses. You may customize your sleep system to your exact specifications rather than "just living" with it since not only do these systems offer the required support and comfort, but you can also rearrange the layers to create a wide range of comfort levels.

Great, now print!

Get moving and exercise even as you slept. Get back on track with the things that will give you the energy to tackle a long day and the strength to relax with your loved ones at night by making the appropriate adjustments. Make room in your schedule so you and your loved ones can "age gracefully."

Be sure to read my next piece, where I'll go over the latest innovations in mattress technology.

Air Mattresses: Why Use Coils and Springs When You Can Just Sleep On Them?

All of our mattresses, including air mattresses, adjustable beds, latex mattresses, memory foam mattresses, and accessories like pillows and mattress protectors, are of the finest quality and designed with your comfort in mind.

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